What they say about us
Thanks for the quality of the material, for the availability and for the suggestions in ordering the single products that there are really precious results ...
The kit she recommended and made was really appreciated by everyone for its elegance and quality, as well as the statues of Mother Julia and the scarves .... I thank in my name and in the name of the Congregation of the Catechist Sisters of the Sacred Heart
In recent years, the highest and most festive moment of her collaboration, always cordial and highly professional, we have experienced and enjoyed in the preparation and celebration of the Beatification of Mother Teresa Grillo Michel on May 24, 1998.
I have been postulator general for 14 years, with 4 beatifications and 2 canonizations behind me, as well as managing the procurement of typically Passionist gadgets: after various unexciting experiences, I can say that his collaboration has given me the serenity and security that is needed in the prepare an important ceremony.
... In particular we appreciated the tapestry displayed in St. Peter's Square, the face of St. Vincent was radiant and for us Daughters of the Oratory it was a great joy and an intense emotion. Thanks for the seriousness and professionalism with which you work!
I am really happy to be able to attest to you that both the scarf and the bag were greatly appreciated not only by us sisters, but by all the pilgrims who came to Rome to participate in the event.
... It is in my personal name and them, that we thank you and complement each other with your products, wishing you good work to continue with the serenity that characterizes you and the gifts of creativity and refinement that are essential parts of your "creative genius" .